
The needs of the individual may vary greatly and so the dosage of the micro-nutrients may vary also. Everyone knows that smoking and drinking alcohol have major consequences as far as the body is concerned but did you know that those consequences have a direct effect on the cells of the body. Vitamin C is an example of the sort of penalty faced when smoking and drinking as this vitamin is depleted to a point where the cells can no longer maintain their integrity. Connective tissue then deteriorates and allows easy passage of cancer cells. Vitamin C is the single most important micro-nutrient for our cells and many functions are dependant on it, however, other micro-nutrients are needed to complete the chains of the various processes. These micro-nutrients will include vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids and phytobiologicals which act together synergistically to maintain all the processes of the body.

When you read the words “basic supply”, it refers to micro-nutrients in minimum quantities, as listed in the table on the Diet and Health page, and include vitamin A (beta-carotene), vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7 (biotin), B9 (folic acid), B12, vitamin C, vitamin D3, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, chromium, molybdenum, inositol, I-proline and l-lysine, l-arginine, l-carnitine, l-cysteine, coenzyme Q10, phosphorus, pycnogenol and citrus bioflavonoids.  Years of scientific research have confirmed that the most effective micronutrient supplementation can be achieved by applying specific and properly selected micronutrient combinations acting in biological synergy and can be supplied in one single supplement.

ADHD and Autism, Arrhythmia, Arthritis, Asthma, Cancer,  Cardiovascular Disease (CVD), Cholesterol, Dementia, Hayfever, Migraines, Osteoporisis.

Allergic Reactions (Hayfever).

An allergy is a hypersensitive reaction by the body’s immune system to either foreign or bodily substances. The immune system identifies the substances as foreign and hazardous and thus sets an immune response in motion.

Supplements:- The basic supply Two-Per-Day Capsules (use promo code 60263117 ) plus increased levels of vitamin C, polyphenols in the form of EGCG (green tea extract), lysine, proline and arginine.

Artery Walls and Connective Tissue.

Connective tissue gives body tissues and organs strength and stability and is a vital protective factor against the spread of many different diseases. Natural stability and elasticity is achieved by optimum production of collagen, elastin and other connective tissue molecules and, this in turn, is dependant on optimum supplies of cellular nutrients. These nutrients are also vital for the arteries which have to maintain their structure and elasticity in order to function. If the  arteries start to break down then the body tries to compensate by filling the cracks with cholesterol  causing thickening of the artery walls and “hardening” of the arteries. Reducing cholesterol can only supply a short term gain.

Curcumin - As antioxidants, curcuminoid compounds help maintain a healthy cardiovascular system by improving the viscosity of blood and reducing plaque formation in the arteries, both of which obstruct proper blood circulation.

Nattokinase - is another far safer alternative to a daily aspirin regimen. Nattokinase, produced by the bacteria Bacillus subtilis during the fermentation of soybeans to produce natto, is a strong thrombolytic, comparable to aspirin without the serious side effects. It's been shown to break down blood clots and reduce the risk of serious clotting by dissolving excess fibrin in your blood vessels, improving circulation and decreasing blood viscosity. These effects can also help reduce high blood pressure. As noted in a 2018 paper, nattokinase appears to be a promising alternative in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, and has been linked to a reduction in cardiovascular disease mortality.

Lumbrokinase - These enzymes eliminate excess fibrin that form scar tissue inside blood vessels, kidneys and brain as well as in muscles. Like nattokinase, lumbrokinase boosts circulatory health by reducing blood viscosity, reducing blood clotting factor activity and degrading fibrin, which is a key factor in clot formation.

Supplements:- The basic supply Two-Per-Day Capsules (use promo code 60263117 ) plus increased levels of vitamin C, lysine, proline, N-acetyl-glucosamine, nattokinase, lumbrokinase, chondroitin, sulphate and copper.

Chronic Inflammation.

Inflammation is often accompanied by a weakened immune system. The body’s defensive reaction may persist for months or even years. The connective tissue will be affected due to the inflammation and defensive process. Cellular nutrients support important procedures in the body in this defensive struggle: supporting healthy cell function, strengthening the immune system, protecting and strengthening the connective tissue and inhibiting excessive production of collagen-digesting enzymes. Cruciferous plants such as Arugula, Bok choy, Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Collard greens, Horseradish, Kale, Radishes, Rutabaga, Turnips, Watercress and Wasabi.

Supplements:- The basic supply Two-Per-Day Capsules (use promo code 60263117 ) plus increased levels of vitamin C, polyphenols in the form of EGCG (green tea extract), lysine, proline, arginine, resveratrol, chondroitin sulphate and quercetin. Visit the  LifeExtension Europe website and use promo code 60263117 for any orders you wish to place.


Cholesterol can only travel around the bloodstream when it is encased in a protein called Low Density Lipoprotein or LDL. It is important to understand that LDL is not cholesterol but only a carrier of cholesterol and other micro nutrients. Most of the Cholesterol circulating in the bloodstream is produced by the body and any cholesterol consumed in the diet is only a fraction of the total. In a healthy individual the cholesterol produced by the body is in balance with the body’s needs regarding metabolic functions. Cholesterol doesn’t always mean the same to everyone and there is often confusion over the role that cholesterol plays. The chemical substance known as cholesterol is a single molecule that is manufactured in the liver and is so vital that you cannot live without it. Having too little cholesterol has serious consequenses.

Cholesterol is found in the cell membranes surrounding every cell in the body, forming many of the tiny machines called organelles within the cells. Cholesterol is also the precursor to many important steroid hormones and sunlight converts it into Vitamin D3. It is excreted by the liver in the form of bile salts which are released from the gall bladder after meals and attach to digested fat from the intestine in order to transport the fat to the blood. They are responsible for the absorption of fat and, in other words, you reabsorb the bile salts. This means that up to 50% of the cholesterol is recycled.

The name “cholesterol” is also applied to a large variety of particles found in the blood. These particles contain millions upon millions of molecules of cholesterol, some fats called phosphilipids and other fats called triglycerides. Triglycerides and cholesterol are not soluable in the watery plasma of the blood so, in order to dissolve in the plasma and be carried around the body, these particles are surrounded by water soluable phospholipids, proteins and antioxidants (stoping the fats from going rancid).  The spherical particle which is thus formed is called lipoprotein. These lipoproteins are unfortunately also called “cholesterol” by many in the medical industry but, are not cholesterol at all. To add to the confusion, there are many different kinds of lipoproteins (cholesterol). There are high-density lipoproteins (HDL), low-density lipoproteins (LDL), very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) and intermediate density lipoproteins (IDL). To confuse matters even more there two types of LDL, the normal and a smaller pattern type known as LDL-B. It is this smaller type which is the troublesome one and is a cause of atherosclerosis. The amount of LDL-B increases when on a high carbohydrate diet and reduces on a low carbohydrate high fat diet.

Put simply, the liver manufactures and places large LDLs into the blood to be carried all over the body where the cholesterols, triglyserides and phospholipids are offloaded to be used by the tissues. The LDLs get smaller and denser resulting in one of two kinds either, a large pattern type (pattern A) or a small pattern type (pattern B). The small pattern B LDLs have more triglycerides on board and arise as a result of insulin resistance from a high carbohydrate diet containing sugar, processed foods and a lack of certain nutrients such as Vitamin C.

It so happens that if the artery wall is damaged and little injuries occur in the lining of the artery due to sugar and high insulin levels, the pattern B LDLs are small enough to slip into these tiny tears and accumulate in the damaged area. In time, fatty streaks begin to grow as more small LDLs, particularly those with oxidised cholesterol, accumulate in the plaque which is forming.  They then become engulfed by white blood cells within the artery wall, forming foam cells and, eventually, porridge-like atheromas develop. This restricts the volume of blood passing through the artery and is the beginning of atherosclerosis. The answer to this is not to restrict the amount of "cholesterol" being produced but to give the body all the nutrients necessary to repair the artery walls and restrict the amount of sugar and processed foods. Just remember that HDL is not good cholesterol and LDL is not bad cholesterol as neither of them are cholesterol at all.   

Supplements:- The basic supply Two-Per-Day Capsules (use promo code 60263117 ) plus increased levels of vitamin C, biotin, carnitine, betaine, nattokinase and lumbrokinase. The last two eliminate excess fibrin that form scar tissue inside blood vessels, kidneys and brain as well as in muscles and improve blood pressure and circulation.

Strengthening of the Immune System and Blood Production.

Strengthening of the immune system and blood production go hand in hand and are best considered together. The finest protection against disease is a healthy immune system and synonymous with this is the supply chain which we call blood. Blood transports oxygen and nutrients to the body’s cells and, as blood has a limited life span, it must be constantly renewed. The immune system is dependent on the supply of nutrients and protective cells from the blood and, indeed, blood is part of the body’s defence mechanism.

Supplements:- The basic supply Two-Per-Day Capsules (use promo code 60263117 ) plus increased levels of vitamin C, vitamin A (beta carotene), vitamin E, vitamins B6 and B12, folic acid, iron, zinc, selenium and lysine.

Cardiac Muscle Cells - Powerful and Rhythmic Heart Beat

Cardiac arrhythmia is often caused by deficient supplies of cellular nutrients (bioenergy) to the heart muscle cells which trigger the heart’s electrical excitation. This deficiency in billions of electrical heart muscle cells leads to malfunctioning of the formation and conduction of electrical excitation in the heart. In sufferers this is manifest in symptoms such as confusion, racing heart and dizziness. The most important cellular nutrients needed to supply heart muscle cells with bioenergy are vitamin C, carnitine, magnesium and coenzyme Q10.

Supplements:- The basic supply Two-Per-Day Capsules (use promo code 60263117 ) plus increased levels of vitamin C, carnitine, magnesium and coenzyme Q10 also B vitamins and taurine for extra support.

Sugar Metabolism - Blood Sugar and Vascular Protection

After a meal, the blood sugar level increases and the pancreas releases insulin so that the sugar can get into the cells. In the event that this procedure is disturbed due to a diabetic disposition, there will be an increased blood sugar level. Glucose molecules and vitamin C molecules are extremely similar in structure. For transportation into the vascular cells they use the same cellular uptake mechanism and in the case of an increased blood sugar level, more sugar molecules will infiltrate the vascular cells and the vitamin C absorption decreases. Supplementing with vitamin C is, therefore, very important, however, reducing sugar and white carbohydrates such as white potatoes, pasta, white rice and white flour is equally important as they all convert readily into glucose. Fat is a much cleaner fuel and produces next to no oxidants. The way to look at this is that the body is duel fuelled and can convert readily between the two and so balancing the diet becomes essential for good health. Processed foods are a “no go area” and all processed foods should be avoided if at all possible and foods that have been factory farmed should also be avoided due to their contamination from herbicides and pesticides. Here in the UK you can look for food labelled “organic”. There is plenty of it if you know where to look. It is perfectly possible to live off of “organic” food without the need for factory farmed foods and you will be doing your bit to save the planet at the same time. Try to avoid sugar as much as possible, it is a killer and a poison. Finally, the more fruit and veg that you eat the more your body has the ability to repair itself but don’t be fooled in to thinking that potatoes are a desirable food, they are OK but you need to fill up your fuel tank with variety. A recent large scale study showed that pain relating to many things is reduced when the person consumes mainly fruit and green veg in their diet.     

Supplements:- The basic supply Two-Per-Day Capsules (use promo code 60263117 ) plus increased levels of vitamin C, vitamin E, B vitamins, chromium, inositol and choline.


Co-enzyme Q10, Magnesium Oxide, Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) and Arginine have all been subject to studies individually  when it comes to reducing the severity and frequency of migraines and have all proven to be beneficial. Unfortunately there are no studies involving all of them. The combination of Co-enzyme Q10, Magnesium and Vitamin B2 have been subject to small scale trials to good effect but these trials did not involve control groups. Coriander has been used for thousands of years as a treatment for migraines and epilepsy. The most widely studied and successful micro-nutrient is magnesium oxide and trials have been carried out with a range of doses varying from 400 mg to 1000 mg.

Supplements:- Vitamin C, Co-enzyme Q10 (Ubiquinol for people over 50 years of age), Magnesium Oxide 500 mg to 750 mg, Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin 200 mg), B6 (25 mg), B12 (400 mcg), Calcium, Folic Acid (2 mg), Vitamin D and Arginine.    N.B. For all supplements ordered from Life Extension Europe use promo code 60263117.


The treatment of epilepsy is very similar to migraines in that Vitamin C, Co-enzyme Q10, Magnesium, Calcium and Arginine are all important however, Vitamin B6 has been shown to be deficient in many people who suffer from epilepsy. Also important are Carnitine, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Folic Acid, Selenium, Taurine and Zinc which have all been tested and seen to give relief. Some of those nutrients tested are paired with others so that synergy is achieved.


The term “asthma” refers to regularly occurring breathing difficulties which includes coughing and shortness of breath. This shortness of breath is as a result of narrowing of the airways due to the cramping of the smooth muscle cells and swelling of the membranes. These symptoms are often triggered by irritants and one of the most important natural substances promoting the relaxation of the smooth muscle cells is Arginine.  Arginine raises the nitric oxide levels as it breaks down in the blood and this nitric oxide is taken up by the smooth muscle cells causing them to relax. This process is supported by vitamin C which boosts the availability of nitric oxide. Lysine and quercetin  have also been shown to help reduce the frequency of asthma attacks.

Supplements:- The basic supply Two-Per-Day Capsules (use promo code 60263117 ) plus increased levels of Arginine, Magnesium,Vitamin C, Lysine, Quercetin and Omega 3. Don’t use a fish oil supplement with Omega 3, 6, 9 as Omega 3 will reduce the asthma but Omega 6 will increase it.


Cancer passes through several different stages of development and the disease has a number of characteristic properties. Principal among these are the uncontrolled cell growth, the ability to form new blood vessels and the production of collagen digesting enzymes. The collagen digesting enzymes allow the cancer to travel around the body without restriction and this is also the reason why normal cells around the cancer are destroyed. Cancer cells are immortal and do not die in the way that other cells do and this is why the cell growth is uncontrolled. To combat this characteristics you must take the following in sufficient quantities and in combination so as to make best use of their synergistic effect.

Vitamin C - protects cells from damage and clears cells which are damaged. It is key in the production of connective tissue. Humans are one of very few animals who can’t produce vitamin C and so we have to get all from our diet. A minimum amount would be around 1500 mg per day but, this would increase significantly if you drink alcohol, smoke or live in a large town or city. Increase this still further to at least 3000 mg per day to help fight cancer. Cancer patients tend to be depleted of vitamin  C:  fourteen out of twenty-two cancer patients in a phase I study we  depleted of vitamin  C, with ten of those having zero detectable ascorbate in their plasma.

Vitamin D - can inhibit cancer growth and can be combined with vitamin B12 and vitamin c. In prostate cancer the cancer can be reversed with 4000 IU per day when caught within the primary stages.

EGCG - a polyphenol compound of green tea which inhibits the formation and proliferation of cancer cells and is important in preventing cell damage. In addition, other active plant substances which control the proliferation and development of cancer cells are resveratrol (but not from wine), quercetin, glucosinolates and curcumin.

Berberine -  It seems to suppress the growth of a wide variety of tumour cells, including breast cancer, leukemia, melanoma, epidermoid carcinoma, hepatoma, pancreatic cancer, oral carcinoma, tongue carcinoma, glioblastoma, prostate carcinoma and gastric carcinoma. Animal studies have shown that berberine can suppress chemical-induced carcinogenesis, clastogenesis, tumor promotion, tumor invasion, prostate cancer, neuroblastoma, and leukemia.

Lysine - is a vital factor in blocking collagen digesting enzymes and is an important building block of stable connective tissue.

Proline - is also an important building block of stable connective tissue.

Niacin (vitamin B3) - Scientists think the reason a glioblastoma is so lethal may be attributed to brain tumor-initiating cells (BTICs) with stem cell-like properties. These cells are adaptable and can turn the body’s macrophages, microglia and monocytes into promoting tumor growth instead of fighting it. In laboratory experiments, researchers found niacin could invigorate monocyte cells into once again fighting BTICs. Building on this knowledge, the researchers conducted an animal study to test the effectiveness of niacin against cancer. When treated, the life of the mice was extended significantly.

N-acetyl-cysteine - is a powerful antioxidant which helps protect the connective tissue against uncontrolled destruction.

Arginine, Selenium, Copper and Manganese - can suppress tumour growth and the early stages of tumour spread.

Curcumin - Inhibits the proliferation of tumour cells, Inhibits the transformation of cells from normal to tumour, helps the body destroy mutated cancer cells so they cannot spread throughout your body, inhibits the synthesis of a protein thought to be instrumental in tumour formation and helps to prevent the development of the additional blood supply necessary for cancer cell growth (angiogenesis).

Bioperine (Piperine) - Taken with curcumin to boost its absorption rate, however, bioperine shouldn’t be used when the cancer is gastrointestinal cancer. This is because slow absorption is a benefit in these cases.

The destruction of cancer cells.

CBD Oil - causes apoptosis or cell death in cancer cells. Cancer cells are immortal because apoptosis has been turned off. A broad spectrum CBD oil or CBD and THC is best.

Omega-3 - also causes apoptosis or cell death in cancer cells.  The DHA can be likened to a cellular alarm system with its oxidation triggering programmed cell death (apoptosis) by signaling caspase-3 when something goes wrong with the cell.

Astragalus - the root not only increases the number of various white cells and in particular the ´hunter´ T-cells it also helps identify the viruses, bacteria and other rogue cells. The University of Texas has shown that Astragalus seems to be an adaptogenic herb ´offering up´ viruses, bacteria and even cancer cells to be seen by the immune system.

Starving cancer cells.

One avenue to reduce the growth of cancer cells is simply to starve their food sources such as glucose and glutamine-rich foods, and then increase the amount of oxygen in the blood, which they hate. A rich dietary source of glutamine is red meats. This is why excess consumption of red meats and other concentrated sources of animal protein tend to promote tumour growth. Since normal cells also require both glucose and glutamine, reducing the intake of either to zero would have an undesirable outcome. Consumption in moderation (small quantities), along with fruits and vegetables seems to be the best approach.

Ketogenic diet. - It is important to keep the blood glucose levels low and to limit the ingestion of glutamine. The cancer cell utilises both glucose and glutamine in a fermentation process which it uses as energy. Cancer cells do not use the same process as ordinary cells and love a low oxygen environment. There is a cautionary note here in that the immune system utilises glutamine and some other cells need glucose. Some people will have seen what happens to runners when their glucose levels drop too low. Cancer cells need around 8 times as much glucose and glutamine as ordinary cells so that keeping the levels low is enough to starve the cancer cells. The body will usually produce enough to avoid the death of ordinary cells, however, many cells can run on ketones and so this is where a ketogenic diet comes in. Another aid is water fasting and this can encourage cells to do some house cleaning and ditch badly performing mitochondria. The best diet control is intermittent fasting which involves eating within a restricted time period each day. Aim for a fasting period of 14 to 16 hours which is usually the equivalent of skipping breakfast. This diet has been shown to switch on the body’s repair mechanism and, providing you don’t overdue the carbs during your eating period, will keep your blood sugars low for long periods. If you have your last food at 8 pm one day and then your first food at 12 pm the following day you will have fasted for 16 hours.

Mannose - Research out of Scotland suggests a type of sugar called mannose, found in cranberries and other fruits, may be useful in the treatment of certain cancers. In experiments involving lab mice, mannose was shown to interfere with the ability of cancerous tumours to take up glucose. It also boosted the effectiveness of chemotherapy drugs. In experiments involving lab mice, Kevin Ryan, Ph.D., professor of molecular cell biology at the University of Glasgow, and his colleagues found mannose slowed the growth of multiple cancers, including lung, pancreatic and skin, presumably by interfering with the ability of cancerous tumours to take up glucose, reduced the size of cancerous tumours, boosted the effectiveness of cancer drugs and did not affect the weight or health of the mice.  Mannose is found in cranberries and other fruits, including apples, blueberries, oranges and peaches. It also resides in vegetables like broccoli, cabbage and green beans.

Metformin - Metformin (Glucophage) has been the world's most frequently prescribed medication for type 2 diabetes. It has now been found to have significant anti tumour properties, however, this may in part be due to the way it controls and decreases sugar levels in the blood. That it works is not in doubt.

Exercise - Exercise has many benefits and the fitter you are the greater your chance of surviving cancer or not contracting it in the first place.  Exercise stimulates AMPK and SIRT1, which secondarily inhibits mTOR, which then stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis and mitophagy, both of which are deadly to cancer.  In essence, cancer can be viewed as a metabolic disorder, and the key to prevention and recovery lies in restoring mitochondrial function and increasing mitochondrial numbers. Exercise helps you do both.

As with all supplements their effectiveness depends on their purity and manufacture. Some supplements are filled with the leaves of the plant when it is the root which is required and even the humble vitamin C has multiple forms. Quality is never cheap.

Another important fact here is vegetable oils. The rate of cancer cases increased after vegetable oils were introduced in 1911 and it was sold as a healthy alternative to fats. It is actually the other way around in that fats, such as cheese, natural yogurts, lard, cream and butter are good for you but not vegetable oils. Cancer cells love sugar and so cutting out sugar is a great way of restricting cancer growth. Remember here that most processed foods contain sugar and vegetable oils. Check on the sugar of drinks and, whilst we are on the subject of drink, stay away from alcohol because it depletes the body’s level of vitamin C.  Over 90 percent of cancer cases are either preventable or treatable and the key is to view cancer as a metabolic dysfunction, allowing you to gain control over this dreadful disease. To put it simply, the right foods and strategies can help suppress cancer growth while simultaneously pushing it into remission.  The 4+4+12 diet is easier diet to keep up with clear gaps between eating e.g. 4 hours from breakfast to lunch, 4 hours from lunch to dinner and then a big gap of at least 12 hours before breakfast again. Not having any carbohydrates for breakfast and lunch further encourages the body to burn fat for fuel.  Extending the 12 hours helps you burn more fat for fuel and some people skip breakfast.  By depriving cancers of their primary source of fuel, as well as protein restriction, cancer cells will literally starve to death.  Research regarding the ketogenic diet in relation to fighting cancer has grown over the years, however, maintaining a supply of micro-nutrients is critical to the whole process.

Finally, please remember that white carbohydrates convert readily into glucose and are just as bad as sugar when it comes to feeding cancer cells. White carbs are potatoes, pasta, white bread and white rice so limit these as much as possible. If you really must have chips then try sweet potato chips (french fries) but remember that the oven ready variety is coated in vegetable oil so, make your own. There is only one oil that is safe to use for cooking foods at temperature and that is coconut oil and the only other safe oil is olive oil which shouln’t be used to cook with but can be used as a dressing. One further warning, look out for artificial sweeteners as they can be worse than sugar and should not be used at all. Finally fructose is sugar but is treated differently by the liver which converts it into fat rather than glucose. A diet high in fruit and vegetables is, therefore, an advantage.

Supplements:- The basic supply Two-Per-Day Capsules (use promo code 60263117 )

Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia

Patients showing early signs of dementia should immediately be given omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid which has proven very useful in controlling this disease. These supplements, along with plenty of exercise, can go a long way to preventing dementia but beware, too many people feel that a half hour gentle stroll counts as exercise. We are talking about power walking or jogging so the earlier you start the better.

Avoid trans fat and industrially processed vegetable oils. While diets high in healthy fats and antioxidants can go a long way toward warding off dementia, diets high in trans fats and processed omega-6 oils will promote it. Research published in the October 2019 issue of Neurology found a strong link between trans fat consumption and incidence of dementia and its various subtypes, including Alzheimer’s. The worst dietary culprits were pastries, margarine, candy, caramels, croissants, nondairy creamers, ice cream and rice crackers. Similarly, the oxidized omega-6 fat found in processed vegetable oils can cause significant harm to your brain when consumed in excess.

The best diet control is intermittent fasting which involves eating within a restricted time period each day. Aim for a fasting period of 14 to 16 hours which is usually the equivalent of skipping breakfast. This diet has been shown to switch on the body’s repair mechanism and, providing you don’t overdue the carbs during your eating period, will keep your blood sugars low for long periods. If you have your last food at 8 pm one day and then your first food at 12 pm the following day you will have fasted for 16 hours.

Avoid anticholinergics and statin drugs as detailed in “Common OTC Drugs Can Cause Dementia,” drugs that block acetylcholine, a nervous system neurotransmitter, have been shown to increase your risk of dementia. These drugs include certain night time pain relievers, antihistamines, sleep aids, certain antidepressants, medications to control incontinence, and certain narcotic pain relievers. Statin drugs are also problematic as they suppress the synthesis of cholesterol, deplete your brain of coenzyme Q10 and neurotransmitter precursors, and prevent adequate delivery of essential fatty acids and fat-soluble antioxidants to your brain by inhibiting the production of the indispensable carrier biomolecule known as low-density lipoprotein.

Suppliments:- Omega-3 fatty acids, Proline, Lysine, Coenzyme Q10 and vitamins C, B6, B12 and folic acid alternatively use the the following supplement - Two-Per-Day Capsules (use promo code 60263117 ) plus extra Coenzyme Q10 and Omega-3. Visit the  LifeExtension Europe website and use promo code 60263117 for any orders you wish to place.

ADHD and Autism

The treatments for ADHD and Autism are often similar except that the autistic child must have protein which includes dairy whereas a child suffering from ADHD may be better without dairy. The most common treatment for ADHD involves the use of prescription drugs such as Ritalin and Adderall. Both have been linked to suicidal thoughts and personality changes. Ritalin is a central nervous system stimulant and is proven to cause serious side effects including nervousness, agitation, anxiety, insomnia, nausea, increased heart rate, high blood pressure, and even psychosis.

Adderall is a legal amphetamine that is highly addictive with prolonged use. Its severe side effects include tremors, hallucinations, muscle twitches, high blood pressure, fast or irregular heartbeats, personality changes, and extreme mood swings. The 2015 documentary movie ‘Prescription Thugs’ provides shocking evidence regarding the dangers of such drugs and is well worth watching.

Given the side effects of prescription drugs, it is clear why an increasing number of patients are seeking effective natural remedies for both ADHD and autism. The beneficial effects of micronutrients in both have been scientifically proven. The best treatment approach involves excluding certain types of foods from the daily diet and taking a combination of supplementary micronutrients to make up for any deficiency.

The most important things for ADHD patients to exclude from their diets are sugar and gluten. Sugar is a massive problem because it can cause blood sugar spikes, which in ADHD patients result in a loss of focus when blood sugar levels spike down.  In addition to excluding sugar and gluten, it is also helpful to avoid dairy products, artificial food colourings, food additives such as monosodium glutamate and hydrolyzed vegetable protein, nitrates, caffeine, soy, aspartame and other artificial sweeteners. Beware of environmental poisons and buy organic produce whenever you can.

When we look at Autism the treatments are very similar. A diet which uses organic foods is a must and a low sugar and low white carbohydrate diet is also a must. To clear any toxic metals, such as mercury, from the system use Lipoic Acid.  

Micro-nutrients that are effective in ADHD and Autism

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 supplements are hugely beneficial to ADHD and Autistic patients. These essential fatty acids are critical for brain function and serve as a potent overall anti-inflammatory. Ensuring a sufficient supply to the body has been shown to significantly reduce symptoms and improve learning.

B vitamins

Children with ADHD or Autism may need extra B vitamins, especially vitamin B6, to help with the formation of serotonin (an important neurotransmitter). Lower concentrations of vitamins B2, B6 and folate are associated with an ADHD diagnosis, with B2 and B6 also linked to symptom severity.

Zinc, magnesium and iron

Zinc, magnesium, and iron play important roles in relaxing the nervous system. A deficiency of any of these minerals may exacerbate symptoms. Research shows that levels of these minerals are much lower in children with ADHD.


ADHD is closely connected to the digestive system. Taking a good quality probiotic daily will therefore help maintain intestinal health. Research has shown that probiotic supplementation early in life may reduce the risk of neuropsychiatric disorder development later in childhood.

Vitamin D

The 'sunshine vitamin' is very helpful with ADHD and Autism. According to a 2018 study and vitamin D supplementation in children with ADHD and Autism may improve cognitive function.  Research clearly supports a relationship between micronutrients and the development of both ADHD and Autism. Micro-nutrient deficiency is common in sufferers and is seen almost universally in autistic children.

Luteolin, quercetin and rutin

Luteolin and quercetin have also been used in unison to treat autism. Rutin is used to increase the absorption of vitamin c and olive kernel oil (OKO) or berberine can be used to increase the adsorption of the luteolin and quercetin. A full study has been conducted using this combination with good results, however, this treatment must be used in conjunction with  the removal of contaminates from the diet. Use only organic foods and absolutely no processed foods or drinks whatsoever.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Lipoic acid is a good chelator of mercury because it binds well to mercury. It binds to mercury in sort of a "pincer grasp", making it very difficult for mercury to leave the chelator to bind to another molecule.


Bone tissue is continuously being broken down and replaced and, over a period of seven to ten years, the body’s entire skeleton will be completely renewed. As people grow older, however, and especially in women after the menopause, bone tissue begins to be broken down more quickly than it can be replaced. This means that the density of the bones reduces and makes them more prone to fractures. In osteoporosis the bones become increasingly brittle and fragile, with the result that they can fracture very easily. Until suffering their first fracture, osteoporosis patients often suffer no symptoms. When symptoms do occur, however, they can include problems such as back pain, a loss of height, and a stooped posture.

To diagnose osteoporosis, your GP will most likely perform a test known as a bone density scan. This measures how many grams of calcium and other minerals are contained in a square centimetre of bone. In general, the higher the mineral content, the higher is the density of the bone. The denser your bones are, the less likely they are to fracture.

Contrary to what you’ve been told, most osteoporosis drugs actually weaken your bones. Bisphosphonate bone drugs impact your normal bone repair process by killing off your osteoclasts, and do make your bones denser, but because the osteoclasts are killed the bone is actually weaker as it is not remodelled properly.

Micro-nutrients that are effective for Osteoporosis

Vitamin C, Lysine and Proline - play essential roles in the formation of collagen.

Vitamin A, Manganese and Boron - plays an important role in the functioning of osteoblasts (for building new bone) and osteoclasts (for breaking down bone so that it can be repaired and remodelled).

Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K2, Folic Acid, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc, Silica and Iodine - maintain bone health.

Supplements:- The basic supply Two-Per-Day Capsules plus Bone Restore (use promo code 60263117 )

N.B.  If you wish to place orders on the LifeExtension Europe website then use promo code 60263117 to get a little extra discount.

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